FOODΒIOMES is a distributed research infrastructure of the Agri-food sector established in Greece that aims to offer world class research, education and innovation services exploring the impact of microbiome applications in food systems.
FOODBIOMES is going through a three-year preparatory phase during which more than 70 researchers and professionals from the Democritus University of Thrace, the Ionian University, the University of Aegean and the University of Ioannina are building the grounds of a new research infrastructure that will constitute one of the main pillars for the national and international research ecosystem of the Agri-food sector.

Operating as a link between research, education and innovation, the FOODBIOMES business model is based on providing the necessary “resources” (knowledge, data, advanced services, technologies, facilities, methods) to researchers and professionals from the academic and industrial sector to further design, develop and produce products and services of their interest that will support the sustainability of the Agri-food sector.
Agri-Food is a revolutionary field for studying and utilising the food microbiome in order to benefit the biome of the human and animal organism. FOODBIOMES focuses on the study of the microbiome, and the identification, and effect of the microorganisms that compose the complex biocommunities on the various organs. The infrastructure also investigates the benefits and impacts of specific foods and food extracts to the human and animal microbiome. We are an open science research network and welcome knowledge sharing from research, industry and education.
FOODBIOMES is coordinated by the Democritus University of Thrace and is implemented with the contribution of the University of Ioannina, the University of the Aegean and the Ionian University.
Our mission is to offer state of the art services and data of excellence on food microbiomes that will support academia and industry to further design, develop and produce innovative products that will benefit human and animal welfare.
Our vision is to create an international pillar that fosters world class research, innovation and education on microbiome applications for healthy, safe and sustainable food systems.
Our strategic goals are…
- to perform cutting edge research and provide new insights on food microbiome
- to exploit research data on food microbes by delivering innovative products and services that foster sustainability of the Αgri-food sector
- to create a state-of-the-art infrastructure that will support an open access and usage model
- to forge strong collaborations among academia and industry within the knowledge triangle
- to establish two-way interactions with national and international research infrastructures serving as the national link for the Greek research & innovation ecosystem

The main scientific concept of FOODBIOMES lies on the exploitation of microbiome applications to develop food systems that will enhance the innovation capacity of the Agri-food sector. Healthy, safe and sustainable food systems are the main objectives of FOODBIOMES research activities.
- Isolation and characterization of new food-related beneficial microorganisms
- Development of microbial processes to enhance the sustainability of traditional food systems with respect to quality, health, competitiveness, environmental impact, and safety
- Use of probiotic microorganisms for the development of clinically tested functional foods
- Valorisation of plant derived extracts for the development of new functional ingredients that benefit the human microbiome
- Study the impact of food microbiome on the human microbiome
- Combination of data from food microbiomes with food chemical composition patterns to develop tools that will enable authenticity control in the Agri-food sector

FOODBIOMES welcomes and embraces collaborative projects and actions within the aspects of the knowledge triangle.
If you are a research organisation, research infrastructure, business or other institute with deep interest in microbiome research send us an email or a message using the contact page and we can start from there.