Isolation of lactic acid bacteria strains from fermented foods or other source
Scope description:
Isolation of lactic acid bacteria from various sources (e.g., fermented foods for the production of which no commercial cultures were used, colostrum, human breast milk, feces, skin, etc.).
Laboratory to which access is provided:
Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace.
Laboratory equipment that will be available:
Complete laboratory equipment, including autoclave, incubators, laminar flow cabinet, microscope, water baths and other laboratory equipment.
Methods that are used in the laboratory:
The procedure that the user will perform for the isolation of presumptive functional cultures includes the following steps:
(a) Selection of the sample from which the cultures will be isolated;
(b) Inoculation of the suitable liquid culture medium and incubation at optimal temperature;
(c) Plating on solid culture medium (MRS) and incubation at optimal temperature;
(d) Visual observation of cell colonies, colony selection, Gram staining and microscopic observation, and
(e) Inoculation of selected single colonies on solid medium in a petri dish (streaking) and incubation at 37 oC.
Permitted time for access to the laboratory:
Access to equipment and lab facilities is provided during working hours for a maximum of 6 days per user.
Time period for access to the service:
1 June – 30 July and 1 September – 20 September 2023
Information – Clarifications:
In the Laboratory of Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics you will find well-trained staff, as well as all the necessary equipment you will need for the isolation of edible microorganisms. You will be able to bring your samples and our research team will help you apply official or in house methods to successfully isolate novel strains. At the end of the process, you will be able to take with you the strains you have isolated in a petri dish. All necessary reagents/materials will be available for you to complete the procedure. You are allowed to process up to 2 samples which may result in 3 to 8 isolates.