Access to the DUTH

Evaluation of the adhesion of probiotic microorganisms on eukaryotic cells

Scope description:

Evaluation of the adhesion ability of candidate probiotic strains in vitro on eukaryotic cells.

Laboratory to which access is provided:

Laboratory of Molecular Regulation & Diagnostics Development, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace.

Laboratory equipment that will be available:

Tissue Culture facility (Class II hoods, incubators, microscope EVOS 7000) and all other laboratory equipment required. 

Methods that are used in the laboratory:

In house methods for directed differentiation of cell lines to enteric epithelium and adhesion assays.

Permitted time to access the laboratory:

Access to equipment and lab facilities is provided during working hours for a maximum of 5 days per user.

Time period for access to the service:

1 June – 30 July and 1 September – 20 September 2023

Information – Clarifications:

In the Molecular Regulation & Diagnostics Development of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics you will find well-trained staff, as well as all the necessary equipment you will need to perform the evaluation of adhesion of candidate probiotic strains. You will be able to bring your samples and our research team will help you with all the steps of our in house adhesion assay. All necessary reagents and materials will be available to enable you to complete the procedure. You are allowed to bring up to 8 samples.